Paris Hilton’s Chihuahua, David Beckham’s bulldog, Rihanna’s maltipoo and many other celebrity pets are history now that Mark Zuckerberg introduced Beast, his puppy to the online communitiy, meaning the whole wide world.
The story is as simple as this: Mark and his girlfriend Priscilla decided to expand the family with the dog of their choice – a Hungarian Puli. The move was welcomed by the network because the news spread at light speed in the international and Hungarian media.
If we assume this is a cute story, we are most likely wrong. Zuckerberg was Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2010, and according to dailymail.co.uk, the Puli puppy could easily become the most famous dog in the world. How it is going to look in the long term? Pretty intense. Zuckerberg has already created a Facebook fan page for his dog called ’Beast’. Since yesterday the new Public Figure was liked by almost 25 thousand people. The numbers are impressive, if we compare them with the fans of Bo, The First Dog who did not reach even 2 thousand fans. The secret lies - wait a sec, the number just rise above 25 thousand this minute – in the social media essense: to keep the public informed in a causual way. Do not show any less or any more than you want them know, but keep them entertained. Bo likes a public option for health care, while Beast has just announced that the youngest billionaire on earth cleaned his dump...and 1500 people liked the post.
Beast’s profile is definitely going to hit it off and attract even more attention. Interestingly, when you’re creating a Facebook Page there’s no option to choose an animal or pet category. Zuckerberg simply cliked on “Create a Page for a celebrity, band or business” then “Artist, Band or Public Figure” and then chose “Public Figure” status to Beast, thus putting him on the Facebook map. I guess he might as well have chosen a „Brand or Product”, since Puli is soon going to be one of the most wanted breeds.
Will we soon have Puli application? Will it improve the image of Hungary? Will the number of four-legged Facebook users increase dramatically this year? Is there a new social network for pets in Zuckerberg's mind? All of these are possible in the growing and ever so inventive facebook world.
As a pet lover, I would say everyone should have dogs. As a Hungarian who has had Pulis for the last 20 years, I would say I am touched and filled with joy. As a PR person I say, nice job Mark. Smart way to make yourself more likeable. I did push the like buttom for Beast’s page and in a way, for him. Now, as I finish writing Beast has over 26 thousand fans.
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