Throughout the 20th century mankind has solved many problems by speeding up life and as a result the whole planet has become a „bustling hive”. The main characteristic of this era is everything moving at a much more rapid speed than it used to. Just think about how much more time it took to buy a special book a hundred years ago by sending letters to the publishing house and of nowdays via internet or how long it took to cook your lunch in 1915 and now in 2010 made of pre-prepared ingredients.

These changes manifested quite visibly in public transportation and trucking as well. In the 19th century the most modern ways of transportation were to go by ship, cart or landau. When trains appeared, this mode of transportation became famous in a short time. Eventually, automobiles and airplanes took over the lead of the transportation industry and continues to stay at the forefront.
With new methods appearing in the system, older solutions became less and less fashionable. Landaus and carts totally dissapeared –except romantic rides in Vienna- and it is a delicate experience to go somewhere by ship these days and nost of the time long-distance journeys are made by airplane. For a while it looked like train transport would be a part of the history ending in the 21th century.
Although trains were previously thought to be out of fashion, they got another chance from Japan (Tohoku Shinkansen), France (TGV) and England (Eurostar, La Manche Tunnel). These high-speed trains entered in the competition and were greeted by travelers with open arms and minds. These lines were and are linking cities mostly within their borders, with train routes for longer journeys not being the most efficient solution.

Now there is a country planning to make a revolution in train transportation – you can bet which one it is. One of the most innovative and definitly the fastest developing land, China is planning to connect London and Beijing by a High Speed Rail Link in 2020. The rail line will fly through 17 countries at speeds reaching 200miles per hour. The whole journey will take approximately two days.
Inside the country China already uses the technique, for instance Shinghai Airport is linked with the city center by a High Speed Rail called Maglev. China incorporates their own benefits in business with the countries the rail line goes through: they will build the infrastructure in exchange for rights to natural resources in the nations that benefit from the high-speed links. At the same time, China gets a fast, efficient means to pipe them to cities within its borders and smaller, sometimes isolated nations get a high-tech, high-speed connection to the greater global economy.

There are many goals and advantages of rail transport. First of all, it is the most environmentally friendly solution, it carries many people and loads and at the same time it’s calculable. It looks like the future of transportation is in the past.

These changes manifested quite visibly in public transportation and trucking as well. In the 19th century the most modern ways of transportation were to go by ship, cart or landau. When trains appeared, this mode of transportation became famous in a short time. Eventually, automobiles and airplanes took over the lead of the transportation industry and continues to stay at the forefront.
With new methods appearing in the system, older solutions became less and less fashionable. Landaus and carts totally dissapeared –except romantic rides in Vienna- and it is a delicate experience to go somewhere by ship these days and nost of the time long-distance journeys are made by airplane. For a while it looked like train transport would be a part of the history ending in the 21th century.
Although trains were previously thought to be out of fashion, they got another chance from Japan (Tohoku Shinkansen), France (TGV) and England (Eurostar, La Manche Tunnel). These high-speed trains entered in the competition and were greeted by travelers with open arms and minds. These lines were and are linking cities mostly within their borders, with train routes for longer journeys not being the most efficient solution.

Now there is a country planning to make a revolution in train transportation – you can bet which one it is. One of the most innovative and definitly the fastest developing land, China is planning to connect London and Beijing by a High Speed Rail Link in 2020. The rail line will fly through 17 countries at speeds reaching 200miles per hour. The whole journey will take approximately two days.
Inside the country China already uses the technique, for instance Shinghai Airport is linked with the city center by a High Speed Rail called Maglev. China incorporates their own benefits in business with the countries the rail line goes through: they will build the infrastructure in exchange for rights to natural resources in the nations that benefit from the high-speed links. At the same time, China gets a fast, efficient means to pipe them to cities within its borders and smaller, sometimes isolated nations get a high-tech, high-speed connection to the greater global economy.

There are many goals and advantages of rail transport. First of all, it is the most environmentally friendly solution, it carries many people and loads and at the same time it’s calculable. It looks like the future of transportation is in the past.
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