Some just can’t get enough sleep at night because their lives are filled with obligations that consume more than 18 hours of the day. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a 20 minute power nap once in a while without having to spend all the time of going home, getting undressed and relentlessly trying to slow down your mind?
Two guys took notice to this market and created a system to allow business professionals or anyone who needs it to enjoy a mid-day nap in the ideal atmosphere for earning a decent rest. Metronaps is showing up all over the world in hospitals, airports, offices and anywhere that someone might have the need for a quick snooze.
Although each ‘pod’ costs around $8,000 at $14 a nap, this money is returned quickly. What a brilliant idea! These idealists have partnered with organizations to create “nap only” institutions around major cities including New York, London and Dubai. These nap stations are marketed towards business professionals, located in the heart of business districts in major cities and provide a “freshening up” center to clean up your breath and face before returning to that important meeting.

The idea came from two professionals in the financial industry that took notice to afternoons in the office full of sleepy and lethargic employees. They gave up their careers and invested in the venture to devise an ideal napping environment. They knew that their idea would take off due to the statistics of sleep-deprived professionals. Several studies show that over 50% of working professionals are sleep deprived and that small power naps can have serious positive effects on short term and long term health and most importantly, brain efficiency.
Not only are these “napping clubs" present in major cities but corporations are buying the metronap pods to keep in the office permanently. The company widely known for their positive work environment and high employee moral, Google, bought a few metronap pods to keep employees rejuvenated throughout the stressful work day. The pods are available for purchase by individuals or corporations.
The pods provide a perfectly ergonomical place to rest your head but they also include features to help you get the most out of your nap. Calming music soothes you to sleep and you can request certain scents as well. The pod doesn't wake you up with a harsh alarm but with a series of dim flashing lights and a mild vibration. Just writing about this makes me want to try one of these pods!
This avantgarde product might not change the world but as metronaps continues to make money and help people feel more rested, it makes difference and has a positive effect on the health of overworked professionals around the globe.